The 8th Kyoto University African Studies Publication Program

The Center for African Area Studies (CAAS) is conducting the African Studies Publication Program with the support of FY 2017 KU discretionary spending (a program to subsidize the publication of works by early-career researchers). These subsidies will be used to publish the results of Africa-related research conducted in various departments of the Kyoto University in order to concentrate university-wide research resources and stimulate research regarding Africa, and to publicize Kyoto University’s positive attitude to Africa both inside and outside the university. We are now calling for the submission of applications as specified below. We encourage everyone interested to participate.


(1) Application qualifications: Present faculty members or students of Kyoto University, or graduates of Kyoto University, who obtained a degree from Kyoto University by conducting research regarding Africa (but including cases of research dealing with other regions contrasted with Africa) (including those who will obtain this degree by the deadline for submission of applications).

(2) In principle persons who are holders of a Doctorate, but publication of theses of exceptional quality written to earn a Master’s degree will also be considered.

(3) Applicants must, in principle, be under the age of 40 at the time of the application. But persons with a professorship are not eligible. Persons may apply regardless of their gender or nationality.

(4) Each applicant may request up to 1,600,000 yen for each application (2 or 3 works will be accepted).

(5) The research results that are subsidized must be publishable by March 31, 2018. Publications will, in principle, be made commercially available. The languages of the publications are Japanese, English, and French.

(6) After the books have been published, the persons awarded a subsidy will deliver commemorative lectures.

● Application deadline

Applications must arrive by August 31 (Thursday), 2017

For more details, please check the website of CAAS.
