International Symposium on African Potentials and the Future of Humanity will take place at Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall 3rd Floor, Large meeting room (333), Kyoto University, from 09:30am on 27 January 2019. The lecture is open to public.
Sunday 27 January 2019, from 09:30-17:50
Large meeting room (333) on 3rd floor of Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
(46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida)
9:30-9:40 Opening Remarks: Motoji Matsuda (Kyoto University)
9:40-11:40 Session 1: Governmentality & African Potentials
1-1. Daniel Agbiboa (George Mason University)
Eyes on the Streets: The Civilian Joint Task Force and the Surveillance of Boko Haram in Northeastern Nigeria
1.2. Tamara Enomoto (Meiji University)
Africa and the West: Norms and Measures Regarding Arms Transfers to Non-State Actors (NSAs)
1.3. Atsuko Munemura (Kansai University)
Remuneration for “Her” Skill under Job Color Bar: Wage Structure during the 1942 Strike in Rural Western Cape
1-4. Teshome Emana (Addis Ababa University)
Using Traditional Cultural Framework of an African Society to Conceptualize Modern Governance
13:00-15:00 Session 2: Culturality & African Potentials
2-1. Antoine Socpa (University of Yaounde)
Patterns of Coexistence and Conflict Resolution between Fishermen Communities from Cameroon, Benin and Nigeria
2-2. Toshio Meguro (Hiroshima City University)
Misrepresentation and Appropriation of Cultural “Innovation” by Neoliberal Conservation Alliance: The Case of the Maasai Olympics
2-3. Frank Matose (University of Cape Town)
The Militarisation of Conservation in Africa: Emerging Insights
2-4. Wakana Shiino (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
The House Girl by Choice or the Circumstances in Kenya and Uganda
15:20-17:20 Session 3: Conviviality & African Potentials
3-1. Shose Kessi (University of Cape Town)
Towards a Pan-African Psychology: Defining and Confining Symbols of the Past
3-2. Shuichiro Nakao (Osaka University)
African Plurilingual Tradition and Conviviality: Lessons from Non-Arab Arabic-speaking Communities in Eastern Africa
3-3. Kyoko Nakamura (Toyo University)
Local Recognition Alienated from Global Discourse: Changes in Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in a Kenyan Pastoral Community
3-4. Kazuro Shibuya (Hiroshima University)
Households and Collectives in Participatory School Management in Ghana: Focusing on the Analytical Framework of Conviviality
17:20-17:50 Wrap-up Meeting
English (without translation)
Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (S) Project: No.16H06318 “African Potentials” and overcoming difficulties of modern world: Comprehensive area studies that will provide a new perspectives for the future of humanity
Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (A) Project: No.16H01940 “Colonial mobilization during World War II: Soldiers, labourers and women”
Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
Tel) +81-75-753-7803